Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

What a drama '?'

Im a crap,lot of crap..
I tweet a shit..

Then you came,and ruin everything
On your own..

First, you are just something else
No one get will get attention on you
I guess..

Then something happen and change anything~

i truly believed anything is happen for a reason..

And i do love you like there's no reason there..

Again,i am a crap.
But i didn't mean that..

But you,you just so different..
Again,i cant find a reason for that..

You came with no reason..

Then left me behind,,...
With a question upon my head??

Oh lovely chick..
U just look like my future wife~

and thats so good to be true..

And i do love you just a best thing to say.. Right now..

Sincerely, your lover~

Senin, 16 Juli 2012

Oh please . . . Not again . . .

Gue gatau mesti ngapain...
Gue gak rela ajah,,
Lagi" ada yg pergi dari kehidupan gue..
Ah,benci bgt dgn kata" itu..

Sebenernya gue yg tlalu mrasa berlebihan.. Karna segala sesuatunya biasa" ajah..

Tp semuanya beda menurut gua..

I'm tryin to forget all of the things..
But when i don't, oh man.. Seems like i'm fucked up...

Rasanya tuh pait dan gaenak bgt..
Hambar dan hampa..

Like i want to scream 'ENOUGHHHHH!!!!' im tired of this sickness of nothing..

Oh please... Not again . . .